Don’t know when
I first noticed the changes?
But it was dramatic and
The world looked different!

The sun didn’t smile anymore
The Sky lost its blue!
Birds disappeared altogether
Clouds angrily soared!

We fought bushfires
Like we did never before!
Earthquakes , cyclones, tornadoes
Shook the earth’s core!

Corona pandemic had to come
People dying,people suffering!
Are these telltale signs,one might ask
Warning from the creator-
most still didn’t grasp!

Aren’t we human beings
supposed to practice humanity?
Still people abuse power-
lying stealing killing -atrocity!
The worst of all is racial discrimination!
Merciless killing Of Floyd
by police in power ignites revolution!

His last words “I can’t breathe“
still echoing in my head!
Oh! How he cried
calling out his dead mother to plead!
In this day and age it’s hard to believe
But Its true -Only colour of skin can decide
Food,education , health,employment
and also where you live!

I only wish and I can only pray
Everyone truely becomes equal one day!!


Shahnaz Parveen

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